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Arsyandi Mulia and Muhammad Raqib are the founders of TEST English School International School in Pare, East Java, Indonesia. The school which is surrounded by green environment sets a high hope for Indonesian future leaders. Since its establishment in 2013, TEST English School alumni have gone all over the globe to work abroad or to pursue higher education at master’s and doctoral level. The school’s aim is big, to be the educational home for all young Indonesians from Aceh to Papua. The school is also positioning itself as the government stakeholder to accelerate the Indonesia smart programme.

TEST English school is an alternative English course institution which focuses on standardized English language tests preparation (TOEFL and IELTS) and scholarship preparation. With more than thousands alumni and success stories as well as strong alumni network who got various scholarships from home and abroad, including the prestigious LPDP, DAAD, Fulbright, AAS, Monbukagakusho, and many other scholarships, the information is limitless. The outcome intended will be two-fold, the students have a decent skill on English language and a broad knowledge of scholarship. To add the attractiveness, the curriculum is designed uniquely, including philosophy, economics, and education-related matters.

The student will also have chance to produce their own videos related to English studying. Which makes it more unique, the teachers are the alumni who mostly have been awarded a scholarship to study abroad. With various programmes provided, spans from 2 weeks until the lengthiest is Test University programmes which spans for 7 months, the prospective students can choose freely which programmes may suit their needs best. TEST English School as many alumni have said, could be a life-changing experience. You may find brilliant friends for a lifetime and most importantly, it will open many possibilities which will brighten your future for Indonesia.

Arsyandi Mulia
Arsyandi Mulia, known professionally as Lord Coudiys, is a business analyst, a co-founder and an executive chairman of TEST International group, a leading
Muhammad Raqib
An informatics engineering background, interested in traveling and graphic design, is a trainer dedicated his time for learning and teaching at Pare
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